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En recherchant de nouvelles valeurs pour les bio-matériaux locaux des zones humides, le projet Labo Algues explore le potentiel de croissance des micro-algues localement. Ces algues sont ensuite transformées en bio-polymères qui peuvent remplacer les plastiques à base d'huile fossile non biodégradables. À l'heure actuelle, le s designers travaillent sur une série d'objets liés à la culture et à l'histoire de la région. Une fois produits, ils doivent répondre aux besoins des activités et des visiteurs de Luma, qui pourront expérimenter la chaîne de production circulaire, de la matière première au produit final. Researching new values for local wetland bio-materials, the project explores the potential of growing micro-algae locally. These algae are then converted into biopolymers that can replace non-biodegradable, fossil oil-based plastics. Currently, the bio-laboratory is working on a series of objects related to the region’s culture and history. Once produced, they should serve the needs of Luma’s activities and visitors, who will be able to experience the circular production chain from raw material to final product. Film Designer : Alexandre Humbert Production : Atelier Luma supported by Luma Foundation With : Clara Montrieul – Studio Klarenbeek & Dros Iiris Möller – Studio Klarenbeek & Dros Musée départemental Arles Antique Alain Charron, conservateur en chef Soizic Toussaint, responsable de collections Tour du Valat Hugo Fontes, ingénieur de recherche en écologie végétale
Urban Microbiology is the Key to Building the Future of our Cities | Marco Poletto | TEDxBucharest

Urban Microbiology is the Key to Building the Future of our Cities | Marco Poletto | TEDxBucharest

Do you have any clue about what happens to our cities' waste? How can you build cities which produce energy while consuming it? How can we create multiple interactions between nature and our urban architecture? Marco Poletto brings forth a non-anthropocentric approach to the use of our waste and bacteria, as well as to the powerful bio-fabric of our cities. -- Marco Poletto is renowned for his project on “artificial ecology”, a quest for new hybrids promoting the end of the mechanistic paradigm in architecture in favor of a new “bio-technological” one. What does this mean? In more fancy words it is all about an innovative work on ‘systemic’ design, a method defined by the combination and integration of ecologic thinking, computational and interaction design and digital prototyping. Marco Poletto is renowned for his project on “artificial ecology”, a quest for new hybrids promoting the end of the mechanistic paradigm in architecture in favor of a new “bio-technological” one. What does this mean? In more fancy words it is all about an innovative work on ‘systemic’ design, a method defined by the combination and integration of ecologic thinking, computational and interaction design and digital prototyping. But he will explain this uncommon concept with more common words on the TEDxBucharest stage. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Abstract : L' Art du Design Saison 2 | Bande-annonce VOSTFR | Netflix France

Abstract : L' Art du Design Saison 2 | Bande-annonce VOSTFR | Netflix France

Abstract : L'art du design revient ! Sans plans ni schémas, la série nous emmène explorer l'art, la science et la philosophie du design et nous montre le regard et l'impact que nous avons sur le monde. En plongeant dans l'esprit des designers contemporains les plus influents dans leurs disciplines, elle présente le processus de création de ces visionnaires fascinants qui façonnent non seulement notre culture, mais aussi notre avenir. #Netflix #NetflixFrance #Abstract Abonne-toi à la chaîne YouTube de Netflix France ! : Les nouveautés du mois de mars : SUIVEZ-NOUS SUR NOS AUTRES RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX : Twitter : Facebook : Instagram : VIDÉOS À VOIR : Les pépites - 10 séries pour ceux qui n’ont pas le temps : 10 faits sur… Netflix : La vidéo la plus satisfaisante de l’année ! : TOUDOUM ! Retrouvez sur cette chaîne les bandes-annonces de vos séries et films Netflix préférés (sous-titrés et/ou doublés en français parce qu’ici on est en France messieurs, dames et en France (attention info exclusive) ON PARLE FRANÇAIS), mais aussi des récapitulatifs (entre nous, on a tous une mémoire un peu courte, soyons honnêtes), des vidéos exclusives avec vos acteurs et actrices favoris mais pas que ! Il y aura toujours quelque chose de nouveau à découvrir sur cette chaine alors pour ne rien manquer, abonnez-vous ! Site :
Silk Pavillion

Silk Pavillion

The Silk Pavilion explores the relationship between digital and biological fabrication on product and architectural scales. The primary structure was created of 26 polygonal panels made of silk threads laid down by a CNC (Computer-Numerically Controlled) machine. Inspired by the silkworm's ability to generate a 3D cocoon out of a single multi-property silk thread (1km in length), the overall geometry of the pavilion was created using an algorithm that assigns a single continuous thread across patches providing various degrees of density. Overall density variation was informed by the silkworm itself deployed as a biological "printer" in the creation of a secondary structure. A swarm of 6,500 silkworms was positioned at the bottom rim of the scaffold spinning flat non-woven silk patches as they locally reinforced the gaps across CNC-deposited silk fibers. Following their pupation stage the silkworms were removed. Resulting moths can produce 1.5 million eggs with the potential of constructing up to 250 additional pavilions. Affected by spatial and environmental conditions including geometrical density as well as variation in natural light and heat, the silkworms were found to migrate to darker and denser areas. Desired light effects informed variations in material organization across the surface area of the structure. A season-specific sun path diagram mapping solar trajectories in space dictated the location, size and density of apertures within the structure in order to lock-in rays of natural light entering the pavilion from South and East elevations. The central oculus is located against the East elevation and may be used as a sun-clock. Parallel basic research explored the use of silkworms as entities that can "compute" material organization based on external performance criteria. Specifically, we explored the formation of non-woven fiber structures generated by the silkworms as a computational schema for determining shape and material optimization of fiber-based surface structures. Research and Design by the Mediated Matter Research Group at the MIT Media Lab in collaboration with Prof. Fiorenzo Omenetto (TUFTS University) and Dr. James Weaver (WYSS Institute, Harvard University). Mediated Matter researchers include Markus Kayser, Jared Laucks, Carlos David Gonzalez Uribe, Jorge Duro-Royo and Neri Oxman (Director).
Grand entretien : Sebastião Salgado | exposition Salgado Amazônia
Joseph Beuys: l'art est une nourriture pour l'homme | ÆTHER
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